In 2023, a unique book by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” [Zarażeni dźwiękiem. Rynek muzyczny w czasach sztucznej inteligencji] was published in Poland (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It stands out not only due to its intriguing title (“Infected by Sound”) but also because of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research on musical preferences in Poland.
In this section, I will present the next five questions to which survey respondents provided answers, offering an insight into Poland’s musical landscape. I hope that Trzciński’s research, similarly (or approximately), reflects the musical status quo.
Question 6: Where do you get your knowledge about music, artists and songs?

Based on the survey results regarding sources of knowledge about music, artists, and songs, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Radio (50.4%): For over half of the respondents (50.4%), radio is a crucial source of music information. This suggests that traditional radio continues to play a significant role in providing information about music novelties and artists.
- Internet (39.1%): Internet ranks second with a score of 39.1%. Online sources such as music websites, blogs, or discussion forums are essential places for acquiring information about music.
- Social Media (36.4%): Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., are an important source of music information for 36.4% of respondents. Social media enables easy sharing of opinions, recommendations, and discovering new tracks.
- Friends (28.1%): For 28.1% of respondents, friends are a significant source of music knowledge. Recommendations from friends can be a strong influencing factor in music choices and discovering new artists.
- Portals, Media (21.6%): Music portals and traditional media account for 21.6% in the sources of music information. Album reviews, artist interviews, and music-related articles are valued by this group of respondents.
- Streaming Services (18.2%): Despite being popular for music consumption, streaming services constitute a source of music information for 18.2% of respondents. However, their recommendation features still influence song choices.
- Music Festivals (9.1%): Music festivals serve as a source of music knowledge for 9.1% of respondents. Participating in festivals allows for a direct experience of artistic diversity.
- Music Journalists (8.5%): Music journalists are a source of information for 8.5% of respondents. Reviews and analyses from experts can impact the perception of music for this group.
These findings suggest that sources of music information are diverse, and preferences may be associated with different communication channels. Understanding where information about music most frequently reaches audiences is crucial for the music industry to tailor promotional strategies to the needs and preferences of listeners.
Question 7: Do you share music with others?

Based on the results of the survey regarding music sharing, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Recommend Music to Others (27.9%): For 27.9% of respondents, recommending music to others is a popular practice. This indicates that this group willingly shares their favorite songs and artists, likely with the intention of introducing others to their musical preferences.
- Share Links (27.2%): Sharing links to songs or albums is equally popular, as declared by 27.2% of respondents. This may involve sharing links on social media platforms or through private messages.
- Lend Physical Media (11.1%): 11.1% of respondents engage in lending physical music media, such as CDs or tapes, to others. Although this form of sharing music is becoming rarer, it is still present.
- Share Playlists (9.3%): For 9.3% of respondents, sharing playlists is part of their musical practices. Sharing personalized sets of songs can be a creative way to express one’s musical taste.
- Do Not Share Music (44.0%): Almost half of the respondents (44.0%) declared that they do not share music. This may be due to various reasons such as privacy concerns, individual preferences, or a lack of opportunities to share with others.
These conclusions suggest that while there is a group of people actively sharing their music (a total of 56.0%), there is also a significant number of individuals who prefer to keep their musical preferences to themselves (44.0%). This diversity in sharing preferences is important for music platforms and content creators to understand in order to tailor their offerings to the varied needs of different listener groups.
Question 8: What do you use more (less) often to listen to music in the last 5 years?

Based on the results of the survey regarding preferred means of listening to music over the last 5 years, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- FM Radio: Less often: 11.2% More often: 41.2% Change: A 30% increase in popularity in using FM radio for listening to music.
- Streaming: Less often: 3.4% More often: 68.4% Change: A significant surge of 65% in using streaming platforms for music consumption.
- Television: Less often: 14.2% More often: 36.2% Change: A 22% increase in using television for listening to music.
- Internet Radio: Less often: 8.6% More often: 62.2% Change: A notable rise of 53.6% in using internet radio for music listening.
- MP3: Less often: 20.3% More often: 42.1% Change: A growth of 21.8% in using MP3 files for listening to music.
- CDs: Less often: 37.0% More often: 24.6% Change: A decrease of 12.4% in using CDs for music consumption.
- Vinyl Records: Less often: 21.0% More often: 35.8% Change: A growth of 14.8% in using vinyl records for music listening.
In summary, we can say that streaming has gained the highest popularity, with a significant increase of 65% compared to 5 years earlier. Similarly, internet radio and MP3 have also experienced significant growth. On the other hand, CDs have lost popularity, as well as FM radio, which is still used more frequently than less often. Television and vinyl records have also gained popularity, although to a lesser extent than some other means.
These results suggest that digital and internet music sources have gained significance, while traditional forms, such as CDs, may be losing popularity among respondents over the last 5 years.
Question 9: What devices do you use to listen to music?

Based on the survey results regarding the devices used for listening to music, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Mobile Phone, Smartphone (57.7%): Undoubtedly, the most popular device for listening to music is a mobile phone or smartphone. The majority of respondents prefer portable and easily accessible devices.
- Radio Receiver (43.4%): Despite technological advancements, radio still enjoys significant popularity among respondents, indicating the sustained appeal of traditional media.
- Television (41.3%): Television devices are a significant means of listening to music, possibly reflecting the growing popularity of concerts and music programs on television.
- Computer / Tablet (40.9%): Computer and tablet devices are commonly used for music playback, reflecting the growing digital transformation in the music industry.
- Smart TV (28.1%): While smart TVs rank lower, they still serve as a significant source for music listening, especially in the context of using music applications.
- CD / DVD Player (22.7%): Older technologies such as CD/DVD players are still used by a portion of respondents, suggesting diversity in hardware preferences.
- Turntable (6.0%): Despite being less common, turntables still attract a certain group of enthusiasts interested in analog sound and vinyl records.
- Cassette Tape Recorder (5.4%): The use of cassette tape recorders is minimal, indicating that older cassette technologies are rarely encountered in everyday music listening.
These results suggest that despite rapid technological progress, there is diversity in preferences regarding music listening devices, and much depends on accessibility and user convenience. The introduction of modern technologies does not always imply abandoning traditional forms of music consumption. It is noteworthy that there is a very small difference between the use of a turntable and a cassette tape recorder (only 0.6%). The sales success of vinyl records does not necessarily translate into the use of turntables for music listening.
Question 10: What kind of music you listen to?

Based on the results of the survey regarding musical preferences, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Pop (44.8%): The surveyed population most frequently declares listening to pop music. This genre enjoys the greatest interest, suggesting its widespread acceptance.
- Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative (29.1%): Genres related to rock, heavy metal, and alternative music constitute a significant part of respondents’ musical preferences. Although this may be a minority, this group is noticeable.
- Various, All (15.8%): Approximately 15.8% of respondents prefer musical diversity, listening to various genres. This reflects openness to different musical styles.
- Disco, Techno (15.0%): Dance genres such as disco and techno have moderate popularity among the surveyed.
- Classical, Serious (13.8%): Classical and serious music tastes also have their place, with 13.8% of respondents declaring an interest in classical music.
- Disco Polo (13.5%): Despite being occasionally controversial, Disco Polo attracts 13.5% of the surveyed population.
- Rap, Hip-Hop (9.3%): Rap and hip-hop constitute a significant musical genre for 9.3% of respondents.
- Jazz (4.7%): Jazz is less popular but still attracts 4.7% of listeners.
- Blues (3.4%): Blues is the least popular genre among respondents, with only 3.4% expressing a preference for this musical style.
These results showcase the diversity of musical tastes among respondents, reflecting the richness and cultural diversity in the world of music. Openness to various genres and styles is evident in the preferences of the surveyed individuals.
The conducted research emphasizes:
- Diverse sources of music information cater to various individual preferences, highlighting the significance of adapting promotional strategies in the music industry.
- Diversity in music-sharing practices is crucial for music platforms and content creators.
- Digital and internet-based music sources have gained prominence, while traditional forms may be losing popularity among respondents.
- Despite technological advancements, there exists diversity in preferences regarding music listening devices.
- Variety in musical tastes among respondents reflects the richness and cultural diversity in the music world.
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