Once again, we revisit the remarkable book released in 2023 in Poland by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected with Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It deserves attention for several reasons, including the quantitative and qualitative research conducted on music preferences in Poland.
In the fourth part, we present additional questions to which survey respondents provided answers, specifically focusing on vinyl records. It is valuable to examine individual preferences and appropriately adapt the obtained results to various needs.
Question 13: Why do you listen to music on vinyl records?

The survey aimed to understand the motivations and preferences of individuals listening to music on vinyl records. Below is a summary of the collected data and insights derived from the analysis.
- Sentiment: 55.6% – The most common reason for listening to music on vinyl records is sentiment. Respondents indicated that they have a special, emotional connection to this medium.
- Love for Vinyl: 54.3% – The second most common reason is simply a fondness for vinyl records as a medium for listening to music.
- Sound Quality: 38.3% – The sound quality that vinyl records offer is crucial for more than a third of respondents.
- Collecting: 38.3% – Collecting is a significant motivation for individuals listening to music on vinyl records. Accumulating diverse albums becomes a passion. Popular Medium: 13.6% – A small group of respondents mentioned that listening to vinyl is due to the popularity of this medium in their environment.
- Curiosity: 12.4% – Curiosity motivates some vinyl record listeners, involving the exploration of diverse sounds and artists.
- Supporting Artists: 9.9% – A small percentage of respondents indicated choosing vinyl records as a form of support for artists.
- Don’t Know: 13.6% – A group of respondents admitted uncertainty about a specific reason and selected the “don’t know” option.
Conclusions: We can see:
- Sentiment and Preferences Dominance: Sentiment and personal preference for vinyl records dominate among the reasons for listening to music on this medium, accounting for over half of all responses.
- Significance of Sound Quality and Collecting: Sound quality and collecting are significant motivating factors. Almost 40% of respondents value the sound quality of vinyl records and consider them a part of their music collection.
- Curiosity and Artist Support: Curiosity and the desire to support artists are less common but still significant motivations that attract people to listening to music on vinyl records.
- Popularity of the Medium and Uncertainty: The popularity of vinyl records as a medium and a certain level of uncertainty about the specific reason for choosing this format are less important motivating factors.
In conclusion, the analysis of people’s preferences for listening to music on vinyl records shows that sentiment, individual preferences, and the allure of sound quality and collecting are the main factors influencing this medium’s appeal. Understanding these motivations can be crucial for music producers and the recording industry to tailor offerings to the expectations and needs of vinyl enthusiasts.
Question 14: How often, if at all, do you buy vinyl records?

The aim of the survey was to understand the frequency of vinyl record purchases among respondents. Below is a summary of the collected data and insights derived from the analysis.
- Once every few months: 22.2% – The most common response was purchasing vinyl records once every few months, indicating periodic interest in this medium.
- Hard to Say: 17.3% – A certain group of respondents had difficulty specifying the frequency of purchases, suggesting irregular approaches to such acquisitions.
- 1-2 times a year: 16.1% – Another common purchasing habit was buying vinyl records 1-2 times a year, indicating moderate interest.
- Several times a month: 13.6% – A small percentage of respondents chose to purchase vinyl records several times a month, suggesting more frequent interest in this format.
- Less often or never: 12.4% – There is also a group of individuals who buy vinyl records less often or never, possibly indicating less interest in this medium.
- Once a month: 9.9% – Slightly fewer respondents opt for monthly purchases, indicating moderate interest in regularly acquiring vinyl records.
- Once a year: 6.2% – The smallest percentage of respondents declared annual purchases, suggesting sporadic interest in this medium.
We can draw conclusions from the data we received:
- Diversity in Buying Habits: Respondents demonstrate diverse purchasing habits for vinyl records, with the most common choice being purchases once every few months.
- No Clear Trend: The absence of a clear dominant trend indicates differences in approaches to buying vinyl records among respondents.
- Need for Offer Customization: This analysis suggests that the music industry can benefit from customizing the vinyl record offering to diverse buying habits to meet the varied expectations of consumers.
In summary, the analysis of the frequency of vinyl record purchases illustrates diverse purchasing habits among respondents. Understanding these trends can be helpful for adapting marketing strategies and the vinyl record offering to the varied preferences of consumers.
Question 15: Does it happen that you do not listen to vinyl records when you buy them?

This intriguing question may serve as a basis for further research. Below is a summary of the collected data and insights derived from the analysis.
- No: 50.9% – The vast majority of respondents (over half) confirmed that they always listen to purchased vinyl records.
- Yes, All: 10.5% – A small percentage of respondents (approximately 10.5%) indicated that they sometimes do not listen to all the purchased vinyl records.
- Yes, Most: 15.8% – Another group of respondents (around 15.8%) admitted to listening to most of the purchased vinyl records.
- Yes, About Half: 5.3% – A small percentage of individuals (about 5.3%) mentioned that they sometimes listen to about half of the purchased vinyl records.
- Yes, Minority: 17.5% – Another group of respondents (about 17.5%) acknowledged listening to only a minority of the purchased vinyl records.
- Dominance of Listening Post-Purchase: The majority of respondents affirm that they always listen to the vinyl records they purchase, indicating a dominant habit of listening after acquiring records.
- Diverse Listening Habits: However, there is some diversity in listening habits. While some listen to all or most of their vinyl records, others focus on about half or only a minority of their purchases.
- Need to Understand Consumer Preferences: Understanding these listening habits is crucial for adapting marketing strategies and vinyl record offerings to effectively reach various segments of this diverse audience.
In summary, the analysis of vinyl record listening habits post-purchase reveals diversity among respondents. Understanding these trends can aid in tailoring marketing strategies and the vinyl record offering to the varied preferences of consumers.
Question 16: Where do you buy vinyl records?

The aim of this question was to understand where respondents most frequently purchase vinyl records. Below is a summary of the collected data and insights derived from the analysis.
- Online Stores: 59.7% – The most popular place to buy vinyl records is online stores, with nearly 60% of respondents favoring this option.
- Physical Stores: 49.1% – Physical stores also maintain significant popularity, being the purchasing location for almost half of the respondents.
- Used Record Markets: 43.9% – Over 40% of survey participants utilize used record markets, indicating interest in both new and classic releases.
- Auction Websites: 42.1% – Auction websites constitute another popular source of vinyl record purchases, with nearly 42% participation.
- Friends: 36.8% – Almost 37% of respondents mentioned buying vinyl records from friends, suggesting exchanges or purchases from private sellers.
We can draw conclusions from the data we received:
- Dominance of Online Stores: Online stores received the highest recognition among respondents, indicating a growing preference for online vinyl record purchases among enthusiasts.
- Strong Presence of Physical Stores: Despite the dominance of online purchases, physical stores remain an important venue for acquiring vinyl records, attracting almost half of the respondents.
- Popularity of Used Record Markets: Used record markets garner significant interest, suggesting that vinyl enthusiasts seek both new and classic releases.
- Online Auctions as an Alternative: Auction websites constitute a substantial source of purchases, indicating the willingness of some respondents to participate in online auctions.
- Significance of Purchasing from Friends: Buying vinyl records from friends is a significant channel for vinyl enthusiasts, emphasizing the social aspect of the vinyl passion.
In conclusion, the analysis of vinyl record shopping locations reveals that vinyl enthusiasts use a variety of sources, possibly as a result of different preferences and availability. Understanding these trends can be crucial for adapting sales strategies and the vinyl record offering to the expectations of this diverse market.
Question 17: Who are the people listening to music on vinyl records?

The aim of the survey was to understand who the individuals listening to music on vinyl records are. Below is a summary of the collected data and insights derived from the analysis.
Summary of Data:
Gender Distribution | Overall | Vinyl Users |
Women | 53,1% | 33,3% |
Men | 46,9% | 66,7% |
The results indicate that in the general population of respondents, women constitute the majority (53.1%), but among vinyl record users, men dominate (66.7%).
Education Level Distribution | Overall | Vinyl Users |
Vocational | 30,0% | 23,5% |
Secondary | 42,0% | 34,6% |
Higher | 28,0% | 42,0% |
Among vinyl record users, a higher percentage of people have higher education (42.0%), while overall respondents with higher education constitute a minority (28.0%).
- Gender and Musical Preferences: It’s noteworthy that, although women constitute a majority in the overall population, men dominate among vinyl record users. This may suggest certain differences in musical preferences between genders in the context of using this specific medium.
- Education Level and Passion for Vinyl: Individuals with a higher education show greater interest in vinyl records compared to the overall respondents. This suggests that higher education may influence a greater cultural awareness and appreciation for analog sound values.
- Diverse User Profiles: Data analysis shows that vinyl record listeners are a diverse group in terms of gender and education level. It’s important to consider this diversity when creating music offerings and marketing strategies.
In summary, the profile of individuals listening to music on vinyl records includes variations based on gender and education level. Understanding these differences can be crucial for adapting music offerings and marketing strategies to effectively reach different segments of this diverse audience.