Adoption of Digital and Physical Formats (2014-2023)
Observing the music sales market naturally raises the question of adoption. This is not about the legal understanding of the word “adoption.” It’s about product adoption. Our focus is on the music industry and the comparison between physical and digital formats.
“Infected with Sound”. Vinyl Music Preferences in Poland. (Part IV)
Once again, we revisit the remarkable book released in 2023 in Poland by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Zarażeni dźwiękiem: Rynek muzyczny w czasach sztucznej inteligencji” (Infected with Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It deserves attention for several reasons, including the quantitative and qualitative research conducted on music preferences in Poland.
The Music Market in 2023 According to the IFPI Report
The latest Global Music Report – State of the Industry 2024 for the year 2023, published by IFPI, provides insights into the current state of the music market.
“Infected by Sound”: Results of Musical Preferences Research in Poland (Part III)
Once again, we return to the exceptional book released in Poland in 2023 by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It is noteworthy for several reasons, including the quantitative and qualitative research conducted on musical preferences in Poland.
„Infected by sound”. Results of research on musical preferences in Poland (Part II)
In 2023, a unique book by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” [Zarażeni dźwiękiem. Rynek muzyczny w czasach sztucznej inteligencji] was published in Poland (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It stands out not only due to its intriguing title (“Infected by Sound”) but also because of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research on musical preferences in Poland.
Maintaining the Audience’s Attention as a Challenge in Today’s Music Industry
In today’s dynamic world, where information bombards us from every direction, retaining the audience’s attention becomes a challenge for many industries, including the music industry. In this article, we will focus on the issue of retaining the audience’s attention, stemming from the influence of the so-called “attention economy.”
“Infected by sound”. Results of research on musical preferences in Poland. (Part I)
In 2023, a unique book by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” was published in Poland (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It stands out not only due to its intriguing title (“Infected by Sound”) but also because of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research on musical preferences in Poland.
Young People and Music. How Generation Z Consumes Music
Research study on how young people aged 18–34 consume music, what their preferences are, and what truly influences their choices.
The revival of vinyl records from a gender perspective
It’s incredible to see vinyl records making a comeback in an era when digital streaming services have taken over the majority of the music industry.
Spotify’s Premium Subscriber Growth
In the second quarter of 2023, Spotify’s global premium subscriber count reached an impressive 220 million.