Maintaining the Audience’s Attention as a Challenge in Today’s Music Industry

the concept of the "attention economy" is used to describe the activities of media publishers, and it also applies to the music industry

In today’s dynamic world, where information bombards us from every direction, retaining the audience’s attention becomes a challenge for many industries, including the music industry. In this article, we will focus on the issue of retaining the audience’s attention, stemming from the influence of the so-called “attention economy.”

“Infected by sound”. Results of research on musical preferences in Poland. (Part I)

zarażeni dźwiękiem

In 2023, a unique book by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” was published in Poland (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It stands out not only due to its intriguing title (“Infected by Sound”) but also because of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research on musical preferences in Poland.

The Soundtrack of Life…

Pan Winyl

“The soundtrack of life…” An intriguing phrase that, without context, can evoke various associations.