„Infected by sound”. Results of research on musical preferences in Poland (Part II)

zarażeni dźwiękiem

In 2023, a unique book by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” [Zarażeni dźwiękiem. Rynek muzyczny w czasach sztucznej inteligencji] was published in Poland (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It stands out not only due to its intriguing title (“Infected by Sound”) but also because of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research on musical preferences in Poland.

Evolution of Jazz Styles (Jazz 2)

Jazz is a highly flexible musical genre that has evolved and transformed over the decades. Its history is rich in diverse styles that have shaped its sound.

John Prine (vinyl quotes 26)

“I had a year-round Christmas tree with nothing but colored vinyl 45s hanging on it, like, old Elvis records and stuff”.

Introduction to Jazz Music. Definition of Jazz Music (Jazz 1)


Jazz music is a fascinating and highly influential musical genre that has captivated audiences worldwide for a long time. It is a musical form that cannot be defined in a single sentence, but it can be described as a dynamic and expressive art of sound that combines various musical elements such as improvisation, rhythm, harmony, […]