Annie Clark (vinyl quotes 47)

“I do love the ceremony of putting on a record but I don’t have space for a vinyl collection.”
Michael Chabon (vinyl quotes 46)

“I have vinyl records I listen to all the time when I work. But I don’t collect records. I just buy records where the price seems right and it’s music I actually listen to.”
Dominik Bartmanski (vinyl quotes 45)

“If vinyl is a medium that is at once a message, then one of the key things it conveys today is: «slow down and pay attention».”
Gary Calamar (vinyl quotes 44)

“I definitely love record stores. And worked in many over the years. (…) it’s not necessarily that I love vinyl per se. I mean, I’m happy to use CDs and MP3s: to me, it’s the music that’s top priority. I do have a good collection of vinyl, but I rarely actually pull it out.”
John Cage (vinyl quotes 43)

“What people ultimately have to learn is to use records not as music, but as records.”
Edgar Bronfman (vinyl quotes 42)

“I feel like I got my first real taste of Caribbean and Cuban culture while I was there. I have quite a sizeable Cuban vinyl collection from Miami thrift stores.”
Chris Black (vinyl quotes 41)

“I like keeping music in front of people. I try to sell at shows as much as I can – setting up a distro table and bringing out crates of vinyl.”
Dominik Bartmanski (vinyl quotes 40)

“By all accounts, ostensibly ‘replaced’ by the industry with a ‘better’ product, vinyl should have been dead by now (…).”
Ayshay (vinyl quotes 39)

“I feel like I got my first real taste of Caribbean and Cuban culture while I was there. I have quite a sizeable Cuban vinyl collection from Miami thrift stores.”
Gabrielle Aplin (vinyl quotes 38)

“I still love records, and I’ve been fortunate that my parents bought me a record player so I didn’t just have my vinyls to stare at! “