Ayshay (vinyl quotes 39)

“I feel like I got my first real taste of Caribbean and Cuban culture while I was there. I have quite a sizeable Cuban vinyl collection from Miami thrift stores.”

Gabrielle Aplin (vinyl quotes 38)

“I still love records, and I’ve been fortunate that my parents bought me a record player so I didn’t just have my vinyls to stare at! “

Neil Young (vinyl quotes 37)

“Vinyl is great, I made a lot of vinyl, but I don’t want new vinyl that’s from digital sources, because that’s a rip off.”

Ryan Adams (vinyl quotes 36)

For me, a record is valid when I actually hold the vinyl. Like, I’ve worked on the art for a while and I see the vinyl and I go “Ooh, it’s an actual LP. How cool is that?.”

Beck (vinyl quotes 35)

“When I pull out vinyl – which isn’t that often anymore – it’s undeniable that I get a different feeling. “

“Infected by Sound”: Results of Musical Preferences Research in Poland (Part III)

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Once again, we return to the exceptional book released in Poland in 2023 by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Infected by Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It is noteworthy for several reasons, including the quantitative and qualitative research conducted on musical preferences in Poland.