Michael Chabon (vinyl quotes 46)

“I have vinyl records I listen to all the time when I work. But I don’t collect records. I just buy records where the price seems right and it’s music I actually listen to.”

“Infected with Sound”. Vinyl Music Preferences in Poland. (Part IV)

zarażeni dźwiękiem

Once again, we revisit the remarkable book released in 2023 in Poland by Stanisław Trzciński titled “Zarażeni dźwiękiem: Rynek muzyczny w czasach sztucznej inteligencji” (Infected with Sound: The Music Market in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, PWN, Warsaw 2023, pp. 939). It deserves attention for several reasons, including the quantitative and qualitative research conducted on music preferences in Poland.

Gary Calamar (vinyl quotes 44)

“I definitely love record stores. And worked in many over the years. (…) it’s not necessarily that I love vinyl per se. I mean, I’m happy to use CDs and MP3s: to me, it’s the music that’s top priority. I do have a good collection of vinyl, but I rarely actually pull it out.”