The role of music in society. Why is music important? (1)

the therapeutic use of music

The question about the role of music in society has been asked for centuries and continues to fascinate and inspire us. Music is more than just a form of entertainment. Music is a powerful force that has the ability to shape our emotions, influence our behavior, and connect us with others on a completely different level.

Anton Corbijn (vinyl quotes 49)

When I was younger, I’d buy a vinyl album, take it home and live with it, and I think that attachment’s largely gone for the file-sharing generation.

Algorithmic music discovery: What’s behind this?

W dzisiejszym cyfrowym świecie, odkrywanie nowych trendów i rozwoju muzyki w dużej mierze opiera się na algorytmach zarządzanych przez platformy streamingowe, takie jak np. Spotify czy Pandora Internet Radio.

Kelly Clarkson (vinyl quotes 48)

“I put on the Hank Williams and the Patsy Cline and the Rosemary Clooney on vinyl – I’m not trying to be some cool indie-rock person, I just love the way it sounds.”

Music Philosophy

filozofia muzyki

Throughout human history, music has been a significant and enduring form of artistic expression. Its cultural significance is hard to exaggerate. Many people view music as an essential component of life, listening to it while they celebrate, grieve, or reflect on the purpose of life.