DEAD STAR TALK and KARO GLAZER in the Metaverse: Revolutionizing Music or a Temporary Trend?
Music events have evolved for a long time, taking on diverse forms—from classic live concerts to massive online streams. But recently, a unique new space for experiencing music has emerged: the metaverse.
Snoop Dogg (music quotes 65)
“I’m always going to do that – record and make music.”
Patrick Rothfuss (music quotes 64)
“Music is a proud, temperamental mistress. Give her the time and attention she deserves, and she is yours…”
Miles Davies (music quotes 63)
“For me, music and life are all about style.”
Innovations in Music: 8 Key Elements and Their Application (Part II)
Innowacje są fundamentem rozwoju w każdej dziedzinie, a muzyka nie jest tu wyjątkiem. I dlatego w tym artykule zastanawiam się, jak osiem kluczowych elementów innowacji, opisanych przez Marca de Jonga, Nathana Marstona i Erika Rotha w McKinsey Quarterly, można przełożyć na świat muzyki i działalność muzyków. To rozmowa jakby ze samym sobą. Częśc II.
Robert Plant (music quotes 62)
“Music is for every single person that walks the planet.”
Ella Henderson (vinyl quotes 67)
“I’m not like a voracious hoarder who has 50,000 albums of vinyl stacked in a storage space in the San Fernando Valley. But I do have albums from the last 40 years of my life.”
Norah Jones (music quotes 61)
“I’m always going to do that – record and make music.”
Innovations in Music. 8 Key Elements and Their Application (Part I)
Innovations are, after all, the foundation of progress in any field, and music is no exception. That’s why in this article, I’m reflecting on how the eight key innovation elements, described by Marc de Jong, Nathan Marston, and Erik Roth in McKinsey Quarterly, can be applied to the world of music and the work of musicians. It’s almost like a conversation with myself.
Amber Heard (vinyl quotes 66)
“I buy records – vinyl. I have a record player at home.”